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Přehled komentářů
Искусственное озеленение офиса актуально в случае недостаточного освещения, его преимущество- это отсутствие необходимости ухода за такими растениями в интерьере офиса, отсутствие постоянных ежемесячных затрат на уход за цветами в офисе.
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Travel, explore the world, get to know people, do something that interests you, fall in love, do stupid things, but do it with passion.
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Beware of sad fate.
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Each generation sees itself as completely different from the previous one, although in the end it turns out to be almost the same.
If I look back on my life, I think I made mistakes many times.
The same will happen to you when you get older. Gain experience and make mistakes. That is the meaning of life.
Don't think you can be perfect - that's not possible.
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Do not let yourself be fooled by common facts and loud phrases.
Travel around the world, get to know the world, get to know people, do something that develops you, fall in love, do audacity, but do it with enthusiasm.
The most important thing is to live your life with taste.
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Beware of a sad fate.
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